It is our vision to be committed to managing the resources that God has provided for future generations by developing financially viable agricultural and related enterprises that sustain a profitable livelihood for the families involved, while improving the land, cattle, and encouraging the use of all resources natural and human, to their highest and best potential.

The big day is coming soon your way April 23,2025.

Our cows are on a rotational bale grazing system. They came onto the bales in early January. Before coming on the bales they were still out in the grazing system. We had the pairs on the bales 2 weeks before weaning.

The happy ladies are back on rotational grazing after being on bale grazing for 1.5 months so that we had everyone fat and happy to wean calves.

Here’s a short on the bulls that will be at the sale Wednesday April 23,2025.

Faith Livestock, Faith, SD 1:00

the ranch

our herd

new sales


Welcome to the Wedge Tent Ranch

We raise Black Angus Cattle that are truly "Purpose Driven". We are located in the heart of Northwest South Dakota. The ranch is 25 miles north of Faith or 48 miles south of Lemmon. God has blessed us greatly and has given purpose for our cattle and life. As you will see as you go through our program our cattle are bred for true balance with an emphasis on making solid cows. Come by anytime for a tour or a visit. We believe low input genetics are the base to profitable ranching.

thank you

We feel so blessed to have so many of you at our 18th Annual Bull Sale. We thank all of you for coming and showing your confidence in the program. We loved seeing everyone and getting to visit new and old friends. May you be blessed this year.

Again we thank every one of you for being a part of our lives.